Journal of Asian-african Focus in Health
Journal of Asian-african Focus in Health ISSN (2987-9418) is a peer-reviewed, open-access publication devoted to Medical and Health Science Study including Health, Veterinary medicine, Health Care, Pathology, Pediatrics, Nursing, Public health and preventive medicine, etc. The journal's submissions will be evaluated with a blind review process. Sciemedica Journal is published by Pemuda Peduli Publikasi Insan Ilmiah Scieclouds Publishing of one volume a year.
Journal Social Humanity Perspective
Journal Social Humanity Perspective ISSN (3025-8111) covers all areas of research activity in the fields of humanity and social which includes social justice, gender studies, sociology, culture, history, social interaction and Social psychology. Journal Social Humanity Perspective carries out a double-blind review process in its production process.
Journal Social Humanity Perspective is published by Pemuda Peduli Publikasi Insan Ilmiah Scieclouds Publishing of one volume a year. -
Journal Development Manecos
Journal Development Manecos ISSN (2988-5957) is a peer-reviewed, open-access publication devoted to management and economics. This journal publishes original research and article reviews. The following subjects are suitable for publication: business economics, marketing management, finance management, strategic management, operations management, management control systems, human resource management, knowledge management, management accounting, management information systems, business ethics and sustainability. The journal's submissions will be evaluated with a blind review process. Journal Maneco is published by Pemuda Peduli Publikasi Insan Ilmiah Scieclouds Publishing of one volume a year.
Journal Social Civilecial
Journal Social Civilecial ISSN (2988-0181) covers all the areas of research activities in all fields of Social Sciences including Anthropology, Public Administration, Communication studies, History, Law, Linguistics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Gender Studies, Information Science, Legal Management, Library Science, Political Economy, etc. Journal Civilecial conducts a double-blind review process in its production process. the journal is published by Pemuda Peduli Publikasi Insan Ilmiah Scieclouds Publishing of one volume a year.
Educia Journal
Educia Journal ISSN (2988-019X) covers all the areas of research activities in all fields of education. This includes pedagogy, language teaching, special education, educational management, vocational education, education development, curriculum development, instructional design, educational psychology, sociology of education, early childhood education, sex education, etc. Educia Journal conducts a blind review process in it's production process. The journal is published by Pemuda Peduli Publikasi Insan Ilmiah Scieclouds Publishing of one volume a year.